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Village Mata Encantada

BA-001 km 46
Caixa Postal 115
Santo André
Santa Cruz Cabrália, BA


Phone:   +55 (73) 99124-8589
+55 (73) 9988-6464
Skype:   mataencantada

The Village Mata Encantada is located about 30 km north of Porto Seguro, the most important city on the Costa do Descobrimento. The city is located on the Brazilian coast in southern Bahia. You can reach Porto Seguro by plane or car. From São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador da Bahia, different airlines land at the Porto Seguro airport several times a day.

You can fly direct from Europe. To assist you with holiday preparations, we offer our services to our guests in advance. Contact us for more information without any obligation!

You can reach Village Mata Encantada by car, taking the BR-101 as far as Eunápolis. From there the BR-367 takes you to the towns of the Costa do Descobrimento: Porto Seguro and Santa Cruz Cabrália.

Just outside Santo André, the reefs and islands form a natural harbour with berths for sailing and motor yachts.